Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Blog for a New Year

Here is my new blog:

The Forty Acre Wood

I've decided to focus on my Etsy store for the following year - I really need the distraction from uni study! So, it seemed right to create a new blog. If you're keen for a giveaway, follow the Forty Acre Wood because I'm hoping to send a few gift card packs away to readers :)

Happy New Year everyone, best wishes for the future and I'll see you at the Forty Acre Wood!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog-eth Updated-eth

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time (5-ish months isn't that long is the grand scheme of things is it?).

The good news is that I'm opening up my own Etsy shop soon. And no, I won't be selling clothes. Who needs the hassle of sizes, handsewn buttons and super-neat top-stitching? Instead, I'll start off by selling/attempting-to-sell my handmade cards and possibly some dolls, bags and other little knickknacks.

One of my favourite things in the world is making my own paper. It is instantly relaxing (lame but true) and it is always the first thing I jump at to do in the holidays. So I'm going to use this skill to make pretentious-but-awesome 100% recycled greeting cards, gift tags, notebooks et cetera. Perfect if you love the planet, or simply like sending recycled stuff to make you look good without having to do anything yourself at all (I'm a bit of both to be honest!).

Now I have to decide how to package and ship from Australia to various worldy places (damn expensive Australia Post!). Any ideas? A stiffened mailing envelope perhaps. I promise you all some pictures and definitely/possibly/not a giveaway to launch my Help-Sarah-Afford-Food/Rent-At-Uni shop*!

Here's a picture to get everyone excited:

Not a handmade card, but fantastic nonetheless. Have a brilliant day everybody!

* Not the real name. The actual name is delightfully artsy, referring to both trees and a great piece of literature. I thought this would appeal to hipsters, and encourage them to buy my stuff.